Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Last Week’s Goals:

1.  Exercise 5 times this week –  Didn’t quite make it to 5, I exercised 3 times.

2.  Get to bed by 9pm in order to read and write until lights out at 10pm

3.  Put away winter clothes and get out summer clothes

4.  Start reading through the Old Testament with the younger kids – completely forgot about this until Saturday

5.  Make a complete list for the grocery store – we were out of our normal shopping routine this past week because of schedules, so didn’t get to do this, but we are back to normal this week so we’ll put it back on the list.

6.  Continue doing weekly Bible studies with the girls – we were supposed to do our study Wednesday, both the girls and I forgot

So, I got 2 1/2 out of the 6 goals accomplished this week, very discouraging on the one hand, but at least I accomplished a few things on the list.  The reason I started setting goals though, was to begin making headway on things I wanted to get done in life.

I was feeling like the days were flying by, filled with busyness, and I was only getting the bare necessities done.  We do go through seasons of life where all we can get done are the necessities, but I really felt like I could accomplish more if I set goals for each week.

I have found that I do get more done by setting goals, and even when I don’t get everything that I would like to accomplished, like this week, I can look back and see I did get some things done. Plus, I am moving closer to my goals, even if it is baby steps I am taking, baby steps are better than no steps.

However, I feel like I need to revamp some things in order to be more successful at accomplishing my goals.  Before, I would just right them down in a note book and not look at them again until the next weekend, forgetting most of what I had wanted to do.

So, this week, I am posting up on my fridge the list of my goals for the week so I have it there beside my daily to do list that I write each morning.  That way, each day, I can make sure on my to-do list I schedule in things from my goals for the week.

This Week’s Goals:

1.  Exercise 5 times this week

2.  Start reading through the Old Testament with the younger kids

3.  Make a complete grocery list for the week

4.  Continue doing a Bible study with the girls

5. Be a better listener to my kids – This is something I have to be very intentional about, I have done much better with this in the past year though, but there is still room for improvement.

6. Reread Tell Your Time  by Amy Lynn Andrews – I read this book in December, which got me started on goal setting. I know there are a lot of things I have forgotten, rereading it will help me to become more focused on my goals, and set long range goals, which I have been putting off (the procrastinator in me).

How about you?  What ways have you found that help you reach your goals?  Do you ever feel like you are busy all day long but not making much headway?  I’d love for you to share about it in the comments section.

This post was shared at MoneySavingMom

2 Comments on “Goal Setting

  1. I just tried to leave a comment, but I’m not sure it went through. Anyway, I was just letting you know I love these posts about your goals! They inspire me to take a look at what I think I need to get done and then to leave it to God as to whether they actually get accomplished or not!

    • Thanks Kasey! Your right, we need to trust the Lord with our schedules and what we get done, things come up that keep us from getting as much done as we had “planned” (we had some sickness in our house yesterday that set me back), I can get pretty discouraged if I don’t remember it is ultimately in His timing.

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