What National Day Is It?

National Days Green
We have enjoyed following some of the lists of “National Days” over the years.  Like National Puzzle Day and National Blueberry Pancake Day.  It’s a simple and inexpensive way to add some fun to your week.  You can easily make it educational too, for instance on National Poem day, discover a new poet, or write a poem.

We thought it would be fun to come up with our own list of days that relate more specifically to family, faith and home.  Each Friday we will post the list for the following week.  You can pick a day to recognize and turn it into a homeschooling project or just a family activity, or be real adventurous and do them all.  After you observe a day, if you would like, come back and tell us what you did in the comments or share it on Facebook.   You can also email pictures and we will post them in the next Friday’s post.*

May 12th – National Tell Your Mom You Love Her Day
~It’s Mother’s Day, be sure to tell your mom how much you love and appreciate her.

May 13th – National Handwritten Letter Day
~Writing handwritten letters have become a lost art. Drop a handwritten note of
of encouragement in the mail to someone you know.

May 14th – National Rearrange Your Furniture Day
~Rearrange your furniture for a fun and simple way to provide a refreshing
change to your home’s decor.

May 15th – National Chocolate Chip Day
~Make something using chocolate chips.

May 16th – National Poem Day
~Read or write a poem today.

May 17th – National Game Day
~Gather family and friends to play your favorite games.

May 18th – National Nature Walk Day
~Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation as you take a stroll in a park or on a nature trail.

Have fun!


* Pictures must relate directly to one of the National Days listed for the week, appropriate for all viewing audiences and will be posted at the discretion of FamilyFaith&Home.


3 Comments on “What National Day Is It?

  1. I really like this post. It is fun. What a fun day for today with chocolate chips. National Poem Day is my 21st anniversary. Perfect day for a poem.

  2. Pingback: What National Day Is It? | familyfaithandhome.com

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