Updated on May 6, 2013
Well, it looks like it’s been a few weeks since I last posted about my goals. I guess that goal in itself was too lofty. My recovery with this baby has been much slower than the others. The goals I set in my previous post that I thought would be very easy to reach, ended up being too much also.
But, I finally feel pretty well back to normal, so this week I am embarking on some big goals, hoping to make up ground that I lost from the slower recovery. My brain is usually way ahead of my body, so we’ll see….
This weeks goals:
1. Continue reading through the Bible in a year: in Isaiah now, still just doing 1 chapter a day, planning on increasing to 4 this week.
2. Lights out by 10pm and up by 5:30 to join Hello Mornings which starts this week. (Got a bit of a head start on this last week, was up most mornings before the kids)
3. Make sure house is straight before bed: we have done much better about this, but there is still room for improvement.
4. Don’t eat after supper: have done pretty well with this; adding exercising for 30 min. M-F this week.
5. Read aloud to the kids: we started a book, but haven’t gotten very far. The new goal is to read three times this week.
6. Write down a to-do list each morning and post it on the fridge: recently started doing this, it’s been huge in helping me get everything accomplished that I need to.
I’ll try to actually post an update and new goals next Monday, as opposed to next month like it was this time. 🙂
Do you have any goals you would like to accomplish? I’d love for you to share them in the comments.