Creating a Peaceful Home at the End of the Day

Kids Reading on Couch Rszd 650x325 with WatermarkIt is 4:30 pm, I realize my husband will be home soon, a quick glance around the house reveals a not so pleasant atmosphere.  Toys are strung everywhere, a basket of laundry is half folded on the dining room table and the kids are chasing each other through the house.  Not exactly the environment I want to welcome him into.

When I was a young mom just starting out, I read one of Emilie Barnes’ books on how to keep a simple, orderly home.  I gleaned a lot from her, one idea in particular that made a big difference in our house was to create a peaceful home for my husband to come home to.

I knew that my husband would appreciate walking into a peaceful home after being gone all day.  And, it makes me feel good to have a clean, quiet home at the end of a busy day.

I found there are six steps that are helpful in creating a peaceful home:

1.  Decide What Time to Start

I usually planned to start 30 minutes before my husband was due to get home.  I chose 30 minutes because I could usually get a quick cleanup done in 30 minutes.  It may take more time in the beginning though to get the routine down and the kids “on board”.

2.  Gather the Children in One Spot

Assign them each a place to sit, with a few books to read/look at.  I usually use books instead of toys because books tend to be quieter and are easier to gather up quick once the time is over.  Let the children know you expect them to sit quietly looking at their books.

3.  Set a Timer

Setting a timer for 30 minutes seems to really help both the kids and me.  A timer helps me work faster and the kids enjoy listening for it to go off.  Plus, it eliminates the need for the constant question “how much longer?”.  In the beginning it may help to start with 15 minutes while the kids get used to the new routine, then work up to 30 minutes.

4.  Clean

Once you have the kids settled, start going through the house putting everything in order or preparing dinner.  If you have older kids who can be a help, assign them jobs, or they could read a book to younger siblings.

5.  Keep the Peace and Quiet

Now the house is picked up and maybe dinner started but the kids’ timer has gone off, so does the house go back to chaos?  Once the timer has gone off, that shouldn’t be a cue for the kids to run wild again.  Let them know they still need to play quietly.  You could share with them that in the Bible Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything…a time to be silent and a time to speak. (Ecc. 3:7b); helping them understand there is a time for loud, rambunctious play and times for quiet, more reserved play.

6.  Reward

If it’s going to be a little bit before supper is ready, you could put out a small snack for your children.  This would be a nice reward for their good behavior.  It can be something simple like veggies and dip or cheese and crackers.  Lay out a tablecloth or flat sheet on the floor to make for an easy cleanup or use coffee filters.

Do you have a good end of the day routine?  If so, I’d love to hear in the comments section.

Shared at: What Joy Is Mine, The Better Mom, A Mama’s Story, Christian Stay at Home Moms, Deep Roots at Home, Raising Mighty Arrows, Walking Redeemed, Missional Women


15 Comments on “Creating a Peaceful Home at the End of the Day

  1. These are great suggestions. Most of my kids are older now so they all have their own chores that help bring order in the evening, but I wish I had thought of this when they were younger.

  2. Thank you for the post! I have had these goals in the past and then with a recent addition of a now 18 month old and a 10 week old foster baby order has gone a bit by the wayside at the end of the day. Thank you for the “do able” encouragement!

    Thanks for linking up at Family Fun Friday at! Blessings! Diane

  3. Thanks Diane! I go through seasons when we aren’t as consistent with this routine too, but it’s always nice when we get back into it.

  4. Very nice post! I LOVE Emilie Barnes! :o) Her books have been a life line for this wife & momma who was never taught how to keep a home! Just found your site today. :o)

    • I was never taught either how to keep a home or cook, I’m so thankful for women like Emilie who I can learn from! Thanks!

  5. Pingback: Family Fun Friday…I am Co-Hosting! |

  6. This was terrific! I don’t think I let you know earlier, but I shared this post on Facebook this week after you linked it up with me last week at Walking Redeemed. I wanted others to be blessed by it as well! It is filled with such practical advice for what often proves to be a chaotic time in the day with little ones!

  7. Thanks so much Kasey! I figured someone must have shared it because we had a surge in traffic from FB last week, thanks! I really enjoy your blog, thanks for doing the link up!

  8. Pingback: It’s Time for Family Fun Friday Link Party!!! |

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