Traveling, Speaking and DVD Production

This summer and fall has proved to be an unusually busy one for our family.  We have been traveling some, with Jim speaking in churches on family worship and making preparations to transition into full-time ministry after the first of the year.

Also, over the past couple of months, we have been working on a DVD project for Jim Spencer Music.  It will contain music videos for all of the songs from the Children’s Scripture Memory Songs CD.  We will keep you posted as we get closer to the release of the DVD.  As a preview, above is the video for Trust In The Lord.  We hope you enjoy it!



Special CD Sale

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Wanted to let you all know Jim has a special sale going on right now at Jim Spencer Music. It’s a great time to stock up for holiday gifts.  Only $5.00 a CD (regular price $11.99).  The sale ends tomorrow, Thursday, September 19th, at 11:59 p.m!

Proverbs 3:5&6

Encouragement for the Day Proverbs 3 5 and 6


Quick Tip: Broken Crayons

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Around here we have lots of broken crayons.  We used to just throw them out, but recently we found a way to salvage those broken pieces, making them into a whole new crayon creation.

1.  Remove all the paper off of the broken crayons

2.  Spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray

3.  Arrange broken pieces in the pan in the color scheme you would like

4.  Put in 200 degree pre-heated oven until melted (about 5 min.)

5.  Take pan out of oven and let cool for a few minutes at room temp, then place the pan in the freezer until solidified.

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With school starting up again, this would make an easy, fun art project!

Do you have other ideas for using up broken crayons?

Seeking Advice

Seeking Advice
Do we blindly follow what others say without stopping to think if what they are purporting is even biblical?  I know I have been guilty of doing so.  Several times over the years I have been so excited about something I just read in a book and run to Jim telling him of my “enlightening” only to have him say, “How does that line up with scripture”?  Then a lightbulb goes on and I realize I just believed what the person was saying without actually thinking about whether it was biblical.

Even if we aren’t intentionally seeking out advice from another woman, when we read a book by a woman author or engage in conversation with another woman, we are opening ourselves up to hearing the counsel of another lady.  This is great if the counsel is from a wise, godly lady, but if it is not, we can be setting ourselves up for failure and not even realize it.

How do we know if what we are reading or hearing is good advice?  We should line it up with scripture.  God’s Word is sufficient for everything we need in life (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Everything we think and do in life should be lined up with scripture.  This is the very thing that the Berean Jews were commended for in Acts 17:11:

Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”

So, whether we are searching for advice from another woman on anything from marriage to parenting or from fashion to homemaking, we should look at the information being offered through the lens of scripture before we decide to take their advice.

Paul tells us how women should encourage each other in his letter to Titus.  He is specifically referring to older women teaching younger women, but these standards apply to women of any age who are sharing advice.  Wise counsel from another should not be contrary to any of the things Paul listed in Titus:

1.  Love your husband

2.  Love your children

3.  Be self-controlled

4.  Pure

5.  Working at home

6.  Kind

7.  Submissive to your own husband

If we are listening to women who, when they speak, whether it is through a book, social media or face to face, are saying things contrary to what Paul mentions here, or contrary to any scripture, red flags should be going up. We would be wise to take a lesson from Eve, who fell prey to what, in her mind, sounded like truth but was contrary to what God had said.

In this day and age, with ideas and advice coming at us from every direction, it is as important as ever that we filter everything through the Word of God, to find out whether the advice we are receiving lines up with the things that God has said – even the advice on this blog. :)

“Contend for the Faith” Lyric Video

Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.  For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt;  save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”  Jude 3-4&20-25

What National Day Is It?

National Days Green

I hope you enjoyed this past week’s “National Days”, and were able to participate in some of them.

July 28th:  Aubergine Day – I always thought aubergine was just a color, turns out it’s actually the British word for eggplant.  It is a beautiful color though, wear the color or eat the vegetable today.

July 29th:  Freeze Tag Day – Have fun with this age-old kids game.

July 30th:  Learn A New Hymn Day – Find an unfamiliar hymn and learn it together as a family.

July 31st:  Sandcastle Day – Whether you have access to a beach or just your backyard sand box, make a sandcastle today.

Aug. 1st:  Read To Those Who Can’t Day – Take time today to read to a child who can’t read yet, or an older adult who has trouble reading anymore.

Aug. 2nd:  Pass On Clothes Day – Find some clothes that you no longer need or want and give them to someone else who can use them.

Aug. 3rd:  Watermelon Day – Enjoy the refreshing taste of a watermelon today.

If your family participates in some of the National Days, send us a pic of it and we will post it on the next week’s National Day’s post.  Or you can post it on our Facebook page.


Birthday Cupcakes and Puppy Dog Sandwiches

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I used to make elaborate cakes for the kids’ birthday’s.  Everything from cakes shaped like Veggie Tales characters to guitars, dolls and trains.  But, eventually my carpal tunnel got the best of me and it became hard to decorate the fancy cakes.

I really missed doing them though, the kids always enjoyed them and it was fun to make special cakes for their birthdays.  Recently, I started doing easy, fun cupcakes.  I did some animal ones using leopard cupcake liners and candy eyes that I bought at Walmart.  It is so simple to make fun memories for the kids just using unique liners and a small toy or candy on top.

One of our daughters celebrated her 6th birthday earlier this month.  We had seen these bubble gum cupcakes online and she thought they looked so fun.  We ended up just using a confetti cake mix and colored buttercream icing instead of bubblegum flavored cake and icing like the recipe calls for.  I found the pearl colored gumballs at a local candy store.

cara's birthday cupcakes 018The birthday girl also found these puppy dog sandwiches in a magazine, so we made those too. They were a hit with all the little kids and so easy to make.  The recipe called for white American cheese for the ears and nose, but I used provolone.  Also, it called for black beans for the eyes and nose, but I decided to use olives.


Do you have a fun idea for cupcakes or other birthday treats?




7 Ideas For Doing Laundry With Your Kids

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Laundry has never been one of my strong suits.  Over the years I have tried many different methods to keep up with the madness that piles up endlessly at our house.  The last few years we have been doing basically the same laundry routine, and it is working great.

The key to me keeping up with the laundry now is my oldest daughter. :)  She took over the laundry about 3 years ago.  In the beginning she was doing everything, washing, folding and putting away (that was her only job around the house, the other kids helped out with cleaning).  More recently, we changed things a little and now one of my younger daughters and I take turns folding and putting away.

Over the years though, I found various ways to involve my children in helping out with the laundry and ways of using the laundry as a teaching tool for younger kids.  Below are a list of a few ideas I have used.

1.  Have the kids bring you their dirty clothes – If they are too little to carry baskets you can give them a clothes bag with a drawstring to pull around.

2.  Pull laundry out of the dryer into a basket – This is a great job for preschoolers and even toddlers, they will think they are such big “helpers”.

3.  Put away clothes – Children at least 5yo and up can put away clothes, some even younger can too.

4.  Read Aloud to the kids while they fold –  This is a great use of multi-tasking, you get laundry and some school done at the same time!  I would divide up the clothes evenly between those that were able to fold, then I would read to them while they folded

5.  Go over memory verses – You and the kids can work on memory verses while you all fold clothes together.

6.  Counting lesson – Little ones can practice their counting by counting pieces of laundry while you put them in the washer or dryer.

7.  Sorting colors – Sorting clothes is a great way for kids to learn the differences between light and dark, small and large.  After they get the hang of light and dark, this would be a great job for a young one to take over.

What ideas do you have for involving your kids with the laundry?



What National Day Is It?

National Days Green

I hope you enjoyed this past week’s “National Days”, and were able to participate in some of them.  Here’s a pic of the homemade whipped cream we made this week and a pic of one of our daughters dusting the ceiling fan.


National Day Homemade Whipped Cream Collage


Cleaning Ceiling Fan Blades

This Week’s Days:

July 21st:  Iced Coffee Day – Cool off with a refreshing glass of iced coffee. 

July 22nd:  Read Proverb’s 22 Day – Take some time today as a family to glean some wisdom from Proverb’s 22.

July 23rd:  Hotdog Day – Enjoy one of America’s favorite foods- the hotdog!  Sonic has them on sale today for $1!

July 24th:  Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day – What’s lurking in the back of your fridge?  Find out today while you are cleaning it out!

July 25th:  Simon Says Day – Play a game of Simon Says. It’s such a simple game, but always a hit with the little ones. :)

July 26th:  Write A Missionary Day – Set aside some time today to write a note of encouragement to a missionary you know.

July 27th:  Croquet Day – A fun, old-fashioned game, if you have a set, play a round today.

If your family participates in some of the National Days, send us a pic of it and we will post it on the next week’s National Day’s post.  Or you can post it on our Facebook page.